
We love mail. Who doesn’t. We even like getting bills. I’m sure one day we won’t, but for now we do because it means we got something in the mail. Since we’ve lived in this apartment we have so many days where NO mail comes. It is so depressing to me. So something is better than nothing, right? Most of the time anyways. I know not always. Anyways, on to why I was writing this. Yesterday we got a package; now that is the best kind of mail! It was a package from my sister, and in it was this cute outfit.

Kyrie in brown and green outfit

Kyrie on stairs 

Isn’t it so cute! She really likes it. And tonight her friend Lillian started pointing at the polka dots while smiling and making cute noises. I think she liked it too. Also, in the package were these Thomas bath toys which he has been playing with in the bath and out of the bath and sleeping with them. 

Karston in bed w/trains


Thank you Aunt Calli!!! As you can see we love our gifts! Now, I’m off to paint a tad bit more before heading to bed. I had my second real order (real=from someone I don’t know) last week for a canvas banner. I’ve had 3 samples hanging up at goochie goochie baby boutique at the Shops at River Square Center in Waco, TX for a several months now. This gave me the incentive to finish some more samples to replace the current ones and hang in different stores. Here is the banner I finished last week.

Emma banner

I really hope the clients like it. I had a lot of fun making it. Hopefully I can go get some more painting in before Mark gets home. He is at this huge book sale that the Friends of the Library puts on every year. It’s great- all the books are .50-$1.50! With the exception of collectibles. There are really more books than you could ever look at. This is what we picked up this morning.

books from booksale

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